Int. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Pension Fund

The Joint Pension fund provides for the pension benefits of the members of Local Union 164. The links listen below will display individual sections from the Joint Pension booklet. Use the links below to view documents for the Joint Pension Fund. 

Summary Plan Description

Click Here to download the Pension Fund Summary Plan Description.  Printed 2011

Summary of Material Modification Letters

  • There are none at this time.

Pension Forms


Union Trustees
Dan Gumble
Tom Sullivan
James McManus

Employer Trustees
Cheryl Adelung
Victor Daidone
Jim Estabrook
Dan Kelly

3rd Party Administrator
Fabian and Byrn LLC
425 Eagle Rock Ave., Suite 105
Roseland, NJ 07068
(877) 228-4202

Legal Counsel
Zazzali, Fagella, Nowak, Kleinbaum, and Friedman

Tobia & Lovelace, Esqs. 


Actuaries and Consultants
Summit Actuarial Services

Investment Consultants
MPC Capital Advisers LLC 

Advisers to the Trustees