The Facts: Project 2025
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Facts: An Attack on Organized Labor
Trump’s Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025)
- Repeal the requirements for federally funded projects to have Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) and pay prevailing wages in the region, leading to lower pay and more safety risks for workers.
- Let small businesses violate the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) worker safety laws without punishment, no matter what deaths or injuries were caused by their negligence or recklessness.
- Make it harder for working families to access unemployment benefits.
- Do away with overtime pay guarantees and allow employers to instead give employees time off for their overtime work, the employer controls when resulting in less pay and no new flexibility in schedules.
- Allow states to obtain waivers from federal labor laws that protect workers' paychecks and the right to join a union, putting American's wages and benefits in a race to the bottom.
- Let big corporations secretly hire union-busting consultants to provide behind-the-scenes help in manipulation and scaring workers who try to organize a union.
- Make it harder for workers to form a union, even when employers recognize that the majority of their employees want one.
- Allow companies to get rid of a union even while workers are in the middle of a signed union contract
- Make it easier for corporations to discipline or even fire workers for engaging in collective action and organizing.
- Allow employers to sidestep national labor laws by creating their own “sham” employee organizations with fake employee committees hand-picked by management.
- States that union representation of government workers is “incompatible with democracy” and asks Congress to make these public unions illegal.
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